Add Movie Titles
With Movienizer you can add movies to your collection in different ways: using their titles, entering or scanning their barcodes, add movies from DVD/Blu-rays, or from files and folders on your computer / network. Just click on the corresponding method to learn more about it.
This article describes the most universal way of adding movies to your Movienizer collection. By title you can add DVDs, Blu-rays, VHS (if you still have any), CDs, or even movies that you do not actually own.
To add a movie title, click the "Add movie" button on the toolbar.
This opens the "Add movie" wizard.
You can see the 4 options we mentioned previously, with the "By title" option selected (default). So, we can simply add one or more titles (each title on its own line) into the big white field and click "Next".
What happens next depends on whether you download information about the movies or enter it manually (click on the links to learn more).